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They learn their religion from the Qur'an.

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Q: What book do the Muslims learn their religion from?
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Do Muslims support the idea of madrasahs if not why?

yes they do. because Muslims are their for able to learn about their religion.

Who are the people that the Muslims learn from?

The Muslims learn their religion from Muslim scholars. They may learn remaining subjects from any school, college, University situated anywhere in the world.

The Qur'an is the holy book of which religion?

The religion is called Islam; the followers are called Muslims.

What is the meaning of the word Islamic?

Islamic is an adjective that means related to Islam religion or related to Muslims as followers of Islam religion. For example Islamic holy book means the holy book for muslims.

What is the name of the Malay holy book?

There is no Malay holy book as such. It seems that race and religion have been confused. Most Malays are Muslims. They embrace Islam and the holy book of Islam is the quran/qoran/koran. Malays can be non-Muslims too. Malay is a race, not a religion. In Malaysia, there are Indian Muslims and Chinese Muslims. Hope it helped.

Who uses the Qur'an?

Any Muslim uses the quran as the holy book of Islam religion. Refer to the related questions below for more information.

Religion based on the teaching of Muhammad?

The religion is called Islam; the followers are called muslims; their holy book is the Quran.

Which religion did the terrorists practice?

i think Muslims ANSWER 2: Islam is the supposed religion practiced by Middle East terrorists (Muslims), although the Qur'an, their Holy Book, would disagree with them.

What guidelines do the Islamic religion have to follow?

Muslims, followers of the religion-Islam, follow the guidance given in the Holy Book Qoran

What might non-muslim learn about islam from muslims?

Islam is a peacefull religion. And if you listen, you will unlock all the secrets of muslims. Why we wear hijab, why we pray and why we fast.

What religion's holy book is the Qur'an?

The Qur'an is the holy book of Islam, which is the religion followed by Muslims. It is believed to be the literal word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

Do Muslims worship a book?

no, they are guided by it, it is called the Quran they worship god like Christians but Islam (Muslims religion) has different rules. But Muslims call god Allah which is in Arabic.