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Seriously? You are looking to random people to answer questions like this? I hope you are not siting this for a graded paper or anything of the like.

What is the most popular item sold on the internet?...

One must first ask themselves what the word popular means?

Is that the 'best-selling' item?

Is it the one that is most liked?

Ask yourself this question........



So, what do people shop for most on the internet?

I would have to say,


The response above is from an ignorant, self loathing, depressed and miserable person. Obviously the above 'answer' is not really an answer at all! The above person has suffered 'analysis paralysis' from the original question; which by the way is an AWESOME QUESTION. (I'm looking into that answer now actually). Unfortunately, when you have SES or SEWAGE of a response like the above, no one really wins. Even that person who responded to the question feels like SES. Yes, SES means Waste or Sewage. Anyhow, as you question asker, I'm also looking for the same answer. When I find out, I'll plan to let you know! Cheers! Bruce

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13y ago
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Shiva Kashyap

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8mo ago
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13y ago

the most sold book on the internet is a fiction book.

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Is The Godfather the most bestselling book ever?

No it is not.It is one of the most best-sellings books but not the best-selling.It has sold 21 million copies.A Tale of Two Cities has sold the most books with 200 million copies sold.

Where are Robert Mccammon's books sold?

You can buy almost any book that is not banned in your country through the internet.

What is the most sold product on the internet?

I believe it's mobile

What is the Most popular item on the internet?

According to recent research, the most popular item on the internet are electronics and books especially new gadgets such as Kindle and self-help books.

What are the top 5 most popular books sold?

1 of them is twighlight

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On all the books it says the same thing but i think the 9th sold the most because of its opening

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Most of it. She has sold over 25 million books in england.

How popular are James Pattersons books?

James Patterson's books are extremely popular, with millions of copies sold worldwide. He is known for his fast-paced thrillers and mysteries, which have earned him a large and dedicated fan base. Patterson consistently tops bestseller lists and is one of the most prolific authors in the world.

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