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Divergent boundary.

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Q: What boundary makes mid-atlantic ridge?
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What color is a mid ocean ridge?

the boundary ofthemid ocean ridge is a divergent boundary

What type of plate boundary is the Atlantic-Indian Ridge?

convergent boundary. cuz it is ridge

What type of fault line is the mid-Atlantic ridge?

no the mid- Atlantic ridge is a transform boundary

What is the midatlantic ridge?

The Mid-Atlanic Ridge is the divergent boundary that is responsible for seafloor spreading. Consisting mostly of divergent boundaries, with transform faults as well, this is the site where new oceanic crust is added, increasing the size of the ocean. This location is dotted with underwater volcanoes as igneous basaltic magma is added to fill in the gap left as the oceanic plates drift away.

What type of boundary is the mid atlantic ridge on?

Divergent boundary

What is the boundary of east pacific ridge?

Convergent plate boundary.

What islands are in the middle of the Atlantic?

Iceland is a volcanic island on the midatlantic ridge, separating the North American Plate to the west from the European Plate to the east.

What type of boundary is the east pacific ridge?

Convergent plate boundary.

What is the plate boundary of the mid-Atlantic ridge?

A divergent plate boundary.

What type of plate boundary is in the mid ocean ridge?

It is a divergent boundary

What plate boundary created the mid Atlantic ridge?

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a divergent plate boundary, also known as a spreading center.

When did MidAtlantic Airways end?

MidAtlantic Airways ended in 2006.