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Q: What boundary produces strike slip faults?
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What type of boundary produces strike slip faults?

transform boundary

Which type of boundary produces strike-slip faults?

Slip-strike faults always occur at transform boundaries. The San Andreas Fault is a famous transform boundary in located in southern California.

What type of plate boundary are strike slip fault found?

Strike-Slip faults are found at transform boundaries because strike slip faults push and pull on opposing forces HORIZONTALLY exactly like a transform boundary.

What type of plate boundary are strike slip fault found at?

Strike-Slip faults are found at transform boundaries because strike slip faults push and pull on opposing forces HORIZONTALLY exactly like a transform boundary.

At what type of plate boundary are strike-slip faults found near?

A certain type of strike-slip fault is found at a transform plate boundary.

Three types of faults?

The normal fault, the thrust fault, the transcurrent fault , and the reverse fault.

What type of plate boundary are strike-slip faults found at?

Strike-slip faults are typically found at transform plate boundaries, where two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally. This movement is characterized by parallel fault lines with little vertical motion.

Which type of boundary produces strike slip faults?

According to the theory of plate tectonics, the San Andreas Fault represents the transform (strike-slip) boundary between two major plates of the Earth's crust: the Northern Pacific to the south and west and the North American to the north and east.

Strike slip faults cause of?

The cause of Strike-Slip faults are the formation of transform boundarys. My soures: The answer: I am certain that the answer is the transform boundary. The only thing I don't quite know is what is the difference from a boundary and a fault but I am 100% certain that the answer to your question is the transform boundary.

What type of boundary makes strike-slip faults?

Transform boundaries like the one on the California cost cause strike slip faults. As the two plates move in opposite direction the earthquake occurs.

How do strike slip faults?

strike-slip faults move along each other from shearing

Are the three types of faults normal faults backward faults and slip faults?

No. Your terminology is close but not quite right. The three main types of faults are normal faults, reverse faults, and strike-slip faults. Strike-slip faults may also be called transform faults.