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People with Down syndrome will develop the brain changes that characterize Alzheimer's disease in later life and may develop the clinical symptoms of this disease as well.

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Q: What brain disease can develop in those with mental retardation?
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What inflammations and infections of the brain can cause mental retardation?

An infection of the membrane covering the brain (meningitis) or an inflammation of the brain itself (encephalitis) cause swelling that in turn may cause brain damage and mental retardation.

What type of injury can lead to mental retardation in children?

Traumatic brain injury caused by a blow or a violent shake to the head may also cause brain damage and mental retardation in children.

Why do they do a phenylketonuria test?

Because if it is left untreated it can cause brain damage and severe mental retardation

What mental illnesses require wheelchairs?

hmm, not many really. mental retardation is different to mental illness. e.g. serebal paulsey can effect the brain but is mainly physical, so is considered a disability and mental retadation which needs a wheelchair. but e.g. bipolar which is a mental illness isn't physical.

What maternal conditions that interrupt oxygen flow can cause mental retardation in the fetus?

When the mother has high blood pressure (hypertension ) or blood poisoning (toxemia), the flow of oxygen to the fetus may be reduced, causing brain damage and mental retardation.

How cann toxins damage to prenatal that cause Mental Retardation?

Toxins can cause damage to the prenatal fetus that can result in mental retardation by interferring with brain development. It can occur at any time during the pregancy, that is what pregnant women have to be very careful about what they come in contact with and what they consume.

Is it possible for a prison inmate to develop a mental illness?

it is possible for anyone with a brain to develope a mental illness

Can Spina Bifida impact the brain?

The Spina Bifida itself does not effect the brain, but the hydrocephalus (water on the brain), which often accompanies it, can and does. It can cause learning disabilities and even, in more severe cases, mental retardation.

What are the effects from misusing medicine?

It is never a good idea to over douse it could kill you, miss with your brain, and cause serious mental retardation

What is psychomotor agitation or retardation?

Psychomotor is movements associated with mental activity. Psychomotor agitation is restlessness or unintentional and purposeless actions that are caused by mental tension. Psychomotor Retardation is a slowing of physical movement due to a slowing of brain activity. Psychomotor agitation or retardation is one of the criteria listed for Major Depressive Disorder (Depression) by the DSM-IV-TR.

What are the symptoms of Sachs?

Tay-Sachs is a genetic disease where one of the normally present digestive enzymes is lacking. As a result, a particular lipid in the brain cells cannot be broken down. The resulting build-up of lipids in these cells can cause mental retardation and death.

What makes mental retardation happen in the womb?

Mental retardation could be the result of a number of things. These include an accident that resulted in physical damage to the baby's brain despite the cushioning effect of the fluid in the womb, chemical substances exchanged between the mother and the embryo through the placenta. Sometimes mental retardation is inherited from one or both parents through the genes or genetic damage occurs as cells divide in the early stages of pregnancy.