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meningeal branch

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Q: What branch of a spinal nerve supplies the vertebrae and blood vessels of the spinal cord?
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Related questions

What passes through The transverse foramina and cervical vertebrae?

The spinal cord passes through the cervical vertebrae, and the spinal nerves pass through the transverse foramina on both left and right sides.

Where is the spinal found?

in the spinal canal between the vertebrae.

What system is the vertebrae a part of?

the skeletal system. the spinal column is made up of bones that protect the spinal cord called vertebrae

How far down the spinal cord does the spinal cord extend?

second lumber vertebrae

What part of the body has vertebrae?

The part of the body that has vertebrae is the spine. The spinal column consists of 33 vertebrae which provides support to the body and protects the spinal cord.

What is the vertebrae pertaining to the neck?

The cervical vertebrae are the spinal bones of the neck.

Where is T3 on spinal cord and how does work?

It is the third thoracic (chest) vertebrae where spinal cord nerves branch out to control functions in and around the chest. You also have cervical (Neck) and lumbar(lower back) vertebra.

What is the difference between spinal vertebrae and spinal column?

Spinal vertebrae are the individual bones that make up the spinal column, which is the entire structure that protects and supports the spinal cord. The spinal column consists of multiple vertebrae stacked on top of each other, forming the backbone.

What is a bone in a spinal column?


What is the protected by the vertebrae?

The spinal cord

Where is the spinal cord found-?

in the spinal canal between the vertebrae.

What is the function of the spinal?

the spinal vertebrae helps your back up and moving