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The Executive Branch

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Q: What branch of government finances and organizes arms in military service?
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Who finances the transaction on mypay?

Mypay is a service provided to military service members that allows them to get paid and see their financial services online. The government, who is the employer, finances the transaction.

Enforced military service ordered by the government?

Enforced military service ordered by the government is called conscription or (colloquially) "the draft."

Forced service in the military by the government is called?

Draft, conscription, or compulsory service.

What is a civil service job?

A civil service job is a job that is usually in a government sector. This doesn't include the military and military jobs.

What did the Selective Service Act authorize the government to do?

Draft men to serve in the military

Feudalism was agreement to exchange military service for?

Feudalism is the form of government and the nobility were required to give so many days a month to the king for military training/service.

Does the government list everyone that serves in the marines or military?

The US Marines are a military branch of service. There is a RECORD of every person serving in the US military.

The term civil service refers to people?

who work for the government in non-military positions

Selective service act?

Required men to register with the govt. for a draft, in order to be randomly selected for military service. May, 1917

What is the name for someone who organizes resources to bring a better service for profit?


What does the word service mean?

Civil service is commonly used to define any government employee that isn't in the military. It is sometimes used to refer to a branch of government of hired professionals.

What required men to register with the government for random military service?

The Selective Service Act, although the definition you give of it is a bit misleading.