

What brand of strings is the best for a mandolin?

Updated: 9/10/2019
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14y ago

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D'Addario mandolin strings are the choice of professionals worldwide.

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Q: What brand of strings is the best for a mandolin?
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How many strings on mandola?

It's mandolin not mandola. The mandolin has four pair of metal strings.

How many strings are on mandola?

Originally, the mandolin had 6 strings. Later designs included 8 strings (4 pairs) and the strings were plucked with a plucktrum. Other designs have multiples of 4 strings, up to a maximum of 16 strings.

Does the mandolin go to the percussion family?

No, it belongs with the strings.

What are the best mandolin strings?

Coated strings last longer and keep there tone, such as elixir, which has a coating on the inside wire. Exp's has the coating on the outside of the wound strings(G&D). Since oils, dirt and grime are what kills string tone by getting down in the grooves of the strings and prevents the string from vibrating. They are more expensive but they do last longer. Lighter strings are more of a beginner string for they are easier on the fingers, but they aren't as loud. Medium strings are a little harder to note but they increase the volume and have a more sure tone. Heavy strings have a louder volume but are harder on the neck of your mandolin. You should check with your mandolin manufacture to see which string they recommend for your mandolin. Thanks hope this helps, Rowdy

Is a mandolin a stringed instrument or a keyboard instrument?

Mandolins have strings.

What is the mandolin made of?

A mandolin usually has a wooden body, neck, and metal strings. They are constructed in different shapes, sizes, and styles.

What is mandolin made of?

A mandolin usually has a wooden body, neck, and metal strings. They are constructed in different shapes, sizes, and styles.

How is a mandolin used?

Your question was a little strangly worded but when plucking the strings, they vibrate and depending on the thickness of the strings, make a note

Name 4 musical-instruments that have strings?

Violin, viola, cello, and mandolin.

How is a mandolin use musically?

Your question was a little strangly worded but when plucking the strings, they vibrate and depending on the thickness of the strings, make a note

Can a tenor mandola be tuned to gdae?

The mandola is the viola-equivalent of the mandolin family, and wants to be tuned Cgda, an octave higher than the Mando-cello (the cello-equivalent of the mandolin family.) The mandolin is tuned gdae', and frankly, while you certainly could try to tune the mandola that high, it would be a disaster to the strings and instrument because of the tension. It is possible that you could tune the mandola to GDae (i.e., an octave lower than the mandolin) except that the strings would have to be very heavy and would end up very loose, which is also not a good compromise. On the other hand, if you scale the strings and the sounding length of the strings is not much greater than the length of a mandolin, you can tune a mandola a whole tone lower than the mandolin with some success. Just my personal feelings here, though: If you want a mandolin, get a mandolin. A good mandola will sell for much more than the price of a similar-quality mandolin (both because it is larger and more rare) if you need to, and nothing really sounds like a mandolin quite like a mandolin does.

What is a mandolin?

a mandolin is a string instrument that has four sets of two strings. so it looks like there are four strings but there are really eight. it has a "light" sound to it like a ukulele or a banjo and is tuned like a violin. A mandolin is also a very sharp slicing instrument used by kitchen workers.