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Q: What breed is a cockatoo that is white with a grey beak black eyes a blue tongue is blue around the eyes and red above the beak?
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Related questions

What is a black cockatoo?

A black cockatoo is any of various species of Australian cockatoo of the genus Calyptothycus with mainly black plumage, sometimes also called the great black cockatoo.

What is the myth about black cockatoo?

There is this aboriginal myth about the black cockatoo. It says when you see a black cockatoo flying over it means someone in your family or friends will die.

Which cockatoo is thretened?

there is two the red tailed black cockatoo and the major Mitchell's cockatoo

How tall does a Carnaby Black Cockatoo get?


What is a yellow-tailed black cockatoo?

A yellow-tailed black cockatoo is a large species of bird, Latin name Calyptorhynchus funereus, native to southeastern Australia.

What is another name for a small black cockatoo?

Another name for a small black cockatoo is the jumping bean, bean because its small and black. Needs to be 2 word both begining with a G

What predators does the black cockatoo have?

well, it would have alligators and crocodiles

What is the life expectancy of the Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo?

The life span of the red-tailed black cockatoo is 25-50 years. Cockatoos living in the wild have a shorter life expectancy due to predation.

How does the yellow-tailed black cockatoo breathe?

through nostrils at the top of its beak

Do Siberian huskies have a black spot on the tongue?

No, they have a pink tongue if they are purebred, the Samoyed has a purple tongue. If the dog is mixed with the Samoyed the tongue may have spots. Although the above may be true... it might not be the case. The dogs tongue might simply have some heavy pigmented tongue cells! It's kind of like a birth mark in humans.

What is a palm cockatoo?

A palm cockatoo is a type of grey or black parrot, Latin name Probosciger aterrimus, which is native to New Guinea and far north Queensland, Australia.

Do black wolves have a black tongue?

no, the color of the fur doesnt affect the color of the tongue