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Q: What bring about the following changes condensation of water vapourdecomposition of sugar and rusting of heat?
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Is rusting a chemical or physical property?

Rusting is a chemical property because it is irreversible. It changes the identity of the substance.

Is rusting a nail a physical change or chemical change?

A nail rusting is a chemical change. The chemical formula of the metal completely changes, adding oxygen to the formula. Iron changes from Fe to FeO2 , or to Fe2O3

What are chemical changes in matter?

rusting, burning, polymerizing,

What are the physical and chemical changes in metal?

Physical Changes in metal are: melting bending and rusting

Which of the following processes does not involve a chemical change in property A rusting B boiling C burning D fermenting?

boiling is a physical change. rest are chemical changes

Does the paint on a car help prevent from physical changes?

No but it helps prevent chemical changes like rusting.

What are some physical changes when rusty metal is an example?

what are some physical changes when rusting metal is an example

Is a rusting bicycle a chemical changes or a physical change?

physical change

What chemical changes can happen when copper is left outside?

Oxidation (rusting)

What are two examples of chemical changes?

1) a nail rusting 2) photosynthesis

What type of change such as burning or rusting in which the identity of the substance changes?

a chemical change

Is water condensing a chemical change?

No, it is a Physical Change. Physical Changes are concerned with energy and states of matter. A physical change does not produce a new substance. Changes in state or phase (condensation, melting, freezing, vaporization, sublimation) are physical changes. Other examples of physical changes include crushing a can, melting ice, and breaking a bottle. Chemical changes take place on the molecular level. A Chemical Change produces a new substance. Some examples of chemical changes include combustion (burning) and rusting of a metal.