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Q: What bulidings did the acient egyptians build?
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Why did acient egypt build pyramids?

Ancient Egyptians built pyramids in order to bury the pharaohs and their queens.

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What are Acient Egyptians?

I think it is people in Ancient Egypt

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acient egyptians

What types of monuments did the acient egyptians build?

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Why did the acient egyptians bury their dead with food and other belongings?

To provide for them in the after life.

What did acient Egyptians trade?

Things like Linen, Jewels, and Animal hide.

How did acient egyptians livein acient Egypt?

there was different categories, the Pharaoh was like a president , while the farmers or peasants were very pore and almost like slaves.

When and how did the Egyptians build their empire?

how did the egyptians build an empire.

What is the main purpose in acient egypt?

The ancient Egyptians were convinced that temples were perfect fpr gods and goddesses

Who did the Egyptians build the pyramids for?

The ancient egyptians build pyramids for the Egyptian pharoahs and kings.

What kind of stones did Egyptians use to build their tombs?

The Egyptians used limestone to build their tombs :) This is not correct <<<