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Q: What burns the fastest jute or polyester or paper or cotton or none of these?
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What materials in clothes burns the fastest?

Previous answers to this question have stated that cotton burns the fastest, while synthetic fabrics burn slowest, such as Nylon. I believe this is inaccurate. My experience as a chemist tells me that synthetic clothing such as Nylon and polyester burn much more quickly than cotton.

What color construction paper burns fastest?

Type your answer here... hi im paul

What are napkins made of?

Disposable napkins are made of paper. Cloth napkins are frequently linen but may also be polyester or a cotton blend.

Is polyester in paper?


Will cotton with polyester hurt your hamster?

IS THIS WITH REFERENCE TO HAMSTER BEDDING like the cloth is made of cotton/polyester?if so- hamster bedding is readily available at pet stores, chinchilla sand is used for Hamster groomingIf you have no other option at the moment- soft paper Tissues should help

Why does rayon smells like a burning paper although it is a synthetic fibre?

because xyz is a nylon and polyester is a cotton and cotton is thermosetting so the ignition temperature is so less which birth the microorganisms and we plough it ................

Why does a stand of wool burns with the odor of burning hair while that of cotton burns with the odor of burning paper?

Wool is basically the "hair" from a sheep. So burning the sheep's hair, would produce a similar smell to burning human hair Cotton is a plant, as are the trees that make paper. Burning cotton and paper should produce similar smells. This is a basic answer that I came up with. I have no experience in burning these materials. **

What is Canadian Paper money made of?

It's made out of cotton. But in the future, It will be made out of polyester. Polyester is a type of plastic. Watch this video if you want to know how coins and cotton money are made.

What color heats the fastest?

black paper burns the fastes because it is thick and heats the quickest

Is polyester flamable?

Polyester refers to a broad group of chemical compounds which share a common element in their chemical composition. Polyester as a fabric used in clothing is flamable, but not in the same way as cotton or paper. Polyester first melts, causing burning and potentially fusing with the victim's skin. If the melted fibers continue to be heated, they will burn like candle wax, only hotter.

What fiber is used in paper money?


Money isn't made out of paper it's made out of cotton?

it is made out of cotton and paper.