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I know that the mitochondria is the "power house" of a cell. Just remember....MIGHTY MITOCHONDRIA... actually, its were oxidative phosphorylatn and energy productn is enhanced in all cells!

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Q: What c is where most of chemical reaction in a cell occur?
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your answer is to long have a nice day now

What compound is needed for most chemical reactions to take place in cells?

ATP is a most common substance that participate in chemical reactions of a living cell. They supply the energy needed for the reaction. They are made of adenosine base,3 phosphate groups and a nitrogenous base.

In what kind of reaction can the products form the reactants?

The type reaction that changes the reactants into products is called a chemical reaction. Most chemical reactions can run forward or backward.

Does every cell have a cell theory?

yes every cell has a cell theory . they also have prokaryots and eukaryotes . there are also enzyms and most enzyms are proteins. Enzyms regulate nearly all chemical reactions that occur in living organisms.

What do most chemical reaction do?

do not break bonds

What is the biggest chemical reaction from homemade stuff?

How big is the biggest chemical reaction depends on what you mean by "big." Is it a reaction with the most spectacular result, the most ingredients, the most steps, or the most of something else? One suggestion was making Luminol, which is an 8 step reaction, and each step is a chemical reaction its self. Look at NurdRage video on how to make it on YouTube

Which part of a chemical reaction is most changed by enzyme activity?

Reaction equilibrium

Are exothermic reactions chemical?

Most chemical reactions are exothermic, that is, they release a certain amount of heat as a by-product of the reaction. Endothermic reactions, those which absorb heat, also do occur, but they are more rare. Endothermic reactions are driven by entropy only, whereas exothermic reactions are driven by the energy that is released. The more energy is released, the more easily the reaction will occur.

Where does most of the metabolic activity in a cell occur?

Most of the metabolic activity in the cell occur in the cell's cytoplasm, specifically in the mitochondria in eukaryotic (not bacterial or archaeal) cells.

What chemical change is most likely to involve bubbling or an odor?

This is a chemical reaction.

What would most likely result in the greatest decrease in the rate of a chemical reaction?

what would most likely result in the greatest decrease in the rate of a chemical reaction

If the chemical properties of the substance have not changed has a chemical reaction occurred?

It depends: just try to relate, try to write a chemical equation for and see if there are byproducts. Most likely, if the same chemical still has its same properties After the reaction, a chemical reaction has not occurred.