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saguaro cactus

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Q: What cactus could you see from far away?
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What tools could you choose of you wanted to see something far away?

binoculares are use to see far away.

Could dogs see from far away?

yes. there eyes are made that way.

Could people in Rome see Vesuvius erupting?

No, it was too far away.

How far away can a bighorn sheep see its enemy approaching?

Bighorn sheep can see its enemy approaching from as far away a two miles. They have excellent eyesight and see far away.

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She is not blind...but she did have laser eye surgery because she could not see far away.

What is visibility?

The greatest distance that can be seen with the naked eye. If there is low visibility, such as fog and snow, a person cannot see far. If there is high visibility, a person could see far away.

Where do cactus see?

Cactus don't have eyes, so they can't see.

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to see things that are far away... tele (far) scope (device to see)

How far away can a mouse see?

a mouse can see about 15 cm a way but in dark can see 2cm away

What album cover has a hand drawn desert scene with cactus flipping the bird?

hotel california neg, that is not hand drawn and has no cactus with a middle finger as far as I can see. If I am wrong can you provide link?

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Television was the only medium through which the audience could see people, places, and events far away.

Would you be blinded if you saw the blast of the atomic bomb from 3000 miles away?

That would be too far away to see it based on the curvature of the earth. However, you could see the glow on the horizon at the time of the blast.