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Yes. That and the the fact that the earth revolves around the sun. Those two things. If the earth was not tilted with respect to its obit, there would be no seasonal change.

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Q: What caises seasonal changes on earth?
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Why do you have seasonal changes?

Seasonal changes occur because the earth is tilted so when it orbits the sun the earth is facing the sun in a different position.

What does seasonal changes mean?

this means that the earth has seasons

What is responsible for the seasonal changes of earth?

Distance from the sun

What section of the Earth has no seasonal changes?

your mom, she is so fat that the earth simply cannot rotate.

Why does the Earth have seasonal changes in temperature throughout the year?

because o tilt of Earth's axis.

What is the reason for the changes?

Seasonal changes happen because of the tilt of the Earth's axis, relative to the plane of the ecliptic.

How does earths tilt on its axis lead to seasonal changes?

Earth's tilting on its axis leads to seasonal changes due variations in the angle (rather than distance) at which light hits.

What motion is responsible for the regular seasonal changes of the constellations visible in the night sky?

The Earth orbiting the Sun is responsible for the regular seasonal changes of the constellations visible in the night sky.

What is the reason for seasonal changes?

The tilt in the earth's axis causes the earth to at different times, lean towards the sun

Why do the southern and northern hemispheres experience seasonal changes in temperature and light?

they do because the Earth's Tilt

What has the most impact on the seasonal changes that create variations in daylight and temperature?

The tilt of the Earth's axis.

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