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Q: What calculation is discovered in Isaac Newton's papers?
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What was Isaac newtons accomplishments?

what was isaac newtons accomplsihments.? what was isaac newtons accomplsihments.?

Why is sir isaac newtons work to important to the world?

He discovered gravity?

Sir Isaac newtons only discovery was three laws of motion true or false?

False, Isaac Newton also discovered the principles of momentum and angular momentum.

What changes happened at the time as a result of Isaac Newtons work?

He discovered gravity without that we couldn't fly or anything like that .

Who invented Newtons?

Isaac Newton invented Newtons.

What is isaac newtons nationality?

isaac newtons nationality was english,iloveyou isaac newton!

What kind of dog was isaac newton's?

Isaac newtons dog was called Chumpo. Isaac newtons dog was called Chumpo. Isaac newtons dog was called Chumpo. Isaac newtons dog was called Chumpo.

Who proposed Isaac Newtons theories?

Isaac Newton itself.

Who discovered gravity How did do it?

I didn't know that Isaac Newton discovered gravity. I thought that he discovered Newtons. Those measures that measure the weight of items. Anyway the guy who discovered gravity, even though I don't know who he is, discovered it when he sitting under the apple tree and an apple fell down, so he investigated it. Answer: Isaac Newton discovered (identified) gravity with the apple falling from the tree.

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What was Isaac Newtons' religion?

He was a Christian because half of his life he studying the Bible.@ he also discovered the kingdom in Bible