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Q: What caliber are the rubber balls in the 40MM rubber ball munition for the Marines?
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Metal ball and rubber ball?

Rub my metal balls or rubber balls.

By are balls bouncy?

Because rubber is bouncy!!!! and bouncy balls are made out of rubber.

What type of rubber is used to make balls?

The type of rubber used to make balls is called polybutadiene rubber.

Why do old tennis balls get hard?

The centers of tennis balls are rubber and rubber hardens with age.

List the items which are made up of rubber and are used by us?

list of items made of rubber

How are lacrosse balls made?

Lacrosse balls are made out of rubber.

What are rubber balls used for?

Rubber balls make good cat toys. Most cats love to chase them around.

How do tennis balls bounce?

They are hollow rubber balls. Hope this helps!

Why balls bounce why not dogs?

Because balls are made of rubber, and dogs are not.

Why do glass balls bounce higher than rubber balls?

They don't.

Are beach balls made out of rubber?

No, beach balls are made out of plastic.

How do balls smell?

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