

What came first when Paleolithic was supposed to be ended?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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The chicken, not the egg....

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Q: What came first when Paleolithic was supposed to be ended?
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Which came first Paleolithic era or neolithic era?

The Paleolithic era came first, dating back to around 2.6 million years ago and lasting until about 10,000 BCE. It was characterized by the use of stone tools and hunting and gathering as the primary means of subsistence. The Neolithic era followed, starting around 10,000 BCE, and was marked by the shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture and the development of settled communities.

What resources did paleolithic people use?

Paleolithic people used stone, bone, wood, and other natural materials to create tools for hunting, fishing, and gathering. They also utilized fire for cooking, warmth, and protection. Cave paintings and carvings suggest they used their surroundings as artistic and symbolic resources as well.

When did the stone age end?

The Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic age, ended around 6000 B.C. This depends on the area you are referring to, however. In the Americas, the stone age lasted until Europeans came over in the 1700's.

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i'm not supposed to know what the answers are, that's why i came to YOU!

What is a neolithic age?

THE neolithic age was when humanity began to develop agriculture. It came after the Paleolithic age.

What is different between a Paleolithic and Neolithic?

Paleolithic refers to the Old Stone Age period of time, whereas neolithic refers to the New Stone Age period of time, which came afterwards.

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