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Q: What can Christians do before marriage?
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What do the Jonas Brothers do as Christians?

Not having sex before marriage

What do Christians believe about prostitution?

Christianity is against sex before marriage and within the marriage only with your spouse so they are against it.

What unites christians in their beliefs about marriage?

There is no universal agreement among Christians about any aspect of marriage.

What does the rite of marriage teach Christians about the nature of marriage?

The rite of marriage teaches Christians that it's more than just a bond of a relationship or a celebration, but a ritualized promise to God.

Why is it important to christians that they get married in a church?

As Christians they want to acknowledge their faith and to seek the blessing of God upon their future life together. They also make their vows before God, as He is the one they see as the author of marriage. They want to acknowledge who they are and have the blessing of God upon their marriage.

Is that true that Jonas brothers are not christians?

no, they are Christian's, they were special ring to be virgin until marriage and there are movies that they are praying with their family before dinner

Do Islam or Christianity permit same-sex marriage?

For Islam, definitely not. For Christianity, technically not, but several denominations accept it. It is interesting to note that, so far, EVERY country that has legalized same-sex marriage is predominantly Christian. No definetely not in Christianity either. which predominantly christian countries? America? that hardly counts. Its not the christians that make the final decision. It is th leaders, and often the Leaders, whatever they claim, are not christians. Also, not everyone who claims to be a christian is. there are some people who claim to be christians and yet they approve of same sex marriage, sex before marriage etc. These people are just self-proclaimed christians, NOT christians.

Is hugging and kissing a sin for Christians?

No. While some Christians do think that kissing before marriage is a sin, there is no biblical basis for that. However, Christians should keep their kisses pure, and not let it turn sexual unless they are married.

Why is sex outside marriage is commonly practiced in christian societies although not allowed per religion?

Actually -- sex outside of marriage is NOT practiced among 'genuine' Christians.For example: Among Jehovah's Witnesses, anyone who practices sex before marriage, or sex outside of marriage, or adultery; is a disfellowshipping offense. We actually PRACTICE disfellowshipping.Sex outside marriage -- is only practiced among 'psuedo' Christians; 'self-proclaimed' Christians; by people who 'call themselves' Christian. Therefore it gives a warped view of what genuine Christianity is all about.

Friendship before marriage?

Friendship before marriage is the courtship.

What unites christians in their beliefs about marridge?

Most CHristiams spell it "marriage>_

Christians believe that marriage is God's plan for people.In the Bible God created Eve because?

Christians do not believe that it is god's plan. In fact, Christians donot believe in gods.