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I have recently dealt with a similar situation, I know you must be hurting very badly right now, I remember that pain. I think what you should try to do is remember all the most horrible things he ever did to you, if he is a true narcissist, there will be plenty of them. Write them down, look at them when you are missing him. Also try to remember that the narcissist never shows you his true self, you are seeing an image that he WANTS you to see. It isn't real, it is a fantasy...which is why they seem so damned perfect. It is not possible to love someone (even though it sure feels like we do) when you don't know the REAL them. Though you are feeling intense hurt right now, and you can't see it, it is truly a BLESSING that he cut you out. You should be so thankful at this moment that you AREN"T his wife, what hell that would be. That is what I try to remind myself when I miss my narcissist. Things will get better for you, don't lose hope :)

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Q: What can I d now I was having affair with married man who is a narcissist his wife found out and now he has cut me out completely I am shattered?
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Yes, with themselves.

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Because she is a malignant narcissist and refuses to accept responsibility for her hurtful behavior...

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i had a romantic love with a married woman in my church.but no affair.

How does a narcissist treat you at work after an affair?

You no longer exist. {new} lol. i think you give up the right to be mad when you have an affair. take what you can while you can get it and stfu.

Are men who have affairs narcissistic?

In general, yes. the narcissist feels that he is very special and "deserves" the affair.

When was An Affair with a Married Woman created?

An Affair with a Married Woman was created on 1983-09-05.

Who did Aphrodite have an affair with?

while she was married to Hephaestus she had an affair with Ares.

Is it worth to have an affair with a married woman?

No, unless she has left her husband completely and has filed for divorce. Otherwise she is just using you. Believe me, I did it once and I will always regret it.

What case if a woman having an affair to a married man?

Its called adultery it's in the ten commandments it says you should not have an affair with a married person even if your married or not

How do you have a fling?

you have a affair with a married man

How many married people have another affair with the same person from the first affair and why?

ANSWER:Good question; but it will be a bit tricky. I never met married people who had an affair, stop the affair and go back to that person for another affair. The only married man or woman that go back to the first affair he or she had are the one that fell in love to that person. And I think that is the reality that most cheater face.

What is to have an affair?

to have an affair is to be married but still have a relationship [love/sex etc.] with another person.