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The same if he's not paying at all.

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Q: What can I do if my son's father refuses to pay the full support amount without a modification order?
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Child support reduction for child aging out?

Sorry, but maybe you meant child support modification? A child support modification is a judicial order and can significantly reduce or increase the amount of support a parent gives or receives. also if you need to know more about child support, here is the following link that should be useful to you: lawrina.

What can you do to get your back child support droped do to being incarcerated in mass?

You need to contact the court and request a modification. You must act ASAP to minimize the amount of arrears.You need to contact the court and request a modification. You must act ASAP to minimize the amount of arrears.You need to contact the court and request a modification. You must act ASAP to minimize the amount of arrears.You need to contact the court and request a modification. You must act ASAP to minimize the amount of arrears.

If the child moves out of custodial parents house on their own and is attending college does each parent have to provide the same amount of support?

It requires a modification in the order, and it will be based on their incomes, but generally yes. I advise fathers to make this modification.

What if the amount of support you are paying makes it unable for you to survive with just the basics no living conditions changed?

Do you have grounds to receive a modification? see links below

Can you ask for child support to be paused while incarcerated?

In my sister's case the child support payments are only defered until he serves his 2-10 years. They will only continue to add up until he has payed the amount in full. This would also depend on what state you are in. We are in MI.

How can they issue a child support order without you being there?

Child support is awarded by the court for the custodial parent. The amount is determined by the court under state guidelines even if there is joint custody and even if the non-custodial parent doesn't show up for the hearing. The non-custodial parent can request a modification if circumstances change or if the court used an incorrect amount for the obligor's income.

If my child gets auxillary ssdi payments does that cover child support?

SSDI paid on the child's behalf, based on the obligor's account, is considered child support. The obligor would owe the difference, if any, between the amount of support ordered and the amount of SSDI, but the obligor should immediately take steps to obtain a modification to set the amount down to the amount being issued. see links

Why do the father have to pay child support if the mother is able to work but refuses to do so and stated the refusal to work in court?

It's not applicable, nor would it affect the base amount of child support paid. see link

How much of a change in actual custodial time should trigger a child support modification?

That depends on the specific state laws. California takes this into account in setting the amount owed, but to trigger a change of circumstance provision to allow for a modification, the new amount must be 20% different after completing the calculations. As such, it cannot be strictly interpreted based on time alone. see links below for more info on support modifications.

Does the custodial parent have a say in the amount of child support?

Tipically, no! The amount is calculated and based on the income of the other parent. If you have an additional information on the other parent making more money and the court needs to know about it, you have the right to contact the court and request an investigation and modification of the child support payment.

How can a custodial parent who makes more than noncustodial parent get fair treatment when going to court for child support arrears?

Some general background:The non-custodial parent is responsible for paying the amount specified in the child support order. Arrears will be assessed according to that amount. The court can modify the amount due in the child support order for future obligations but it should not do so retroactively. The amount of the arrears should remain based on the amount in the child support order. It was up to the non-custodial parent to request a modification of the original order if their circumstances changed and they could not pay.Your chances are always better if you are represented by an attorney.Some general background:The non-custodial parent is responsible for paying the amount specified in the child support order. Arrears will be assessed according to that amount. The court can modify the amount due in the child support order for future obligations but it should not do so retroactively. The amount of the arrears should remain based on the amount in the child support order. It was up to the non-custodial parent to request a modification of the original order if their circumstances changed and they could not pay.Your chances are always better if you are represented by an attorney.Some general background:The non-custodial parent is responsible for paying the amount specified in the child support order. Arrears will be assessed according to that amount. The court can modify the amount due in the child support order for future obligations but it should not do so retroactively. The amount of the arrears should remain based on the amount in the child support order. It was up to the non-custodial parent to request a modification of the original order if their circumstances changed and they could not pay.Your chances are always better if you are represented by an attorney.Some general background:The non-custodial parent is responsible for paying the amount specified in the child support order. Arrears will be assessed according to that amount. The court can modify the amount due in the child support order for future obligations but it should not do so retroactively. The amount of the arrears should remain based on the amount in the child support order. It was up to the non-custodial parent to request a modification of the original order if their circumstances changed and they could not pay.Your chances are always better if you are represented by an attorney.

Can your sons mother increase your child support amount without you?

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