

Best Answer

Cod oil or Echinaccea Tablets check to see if you can have either first

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Q: What can I eat to help my hair grow long?
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Do Marley braids make hair grow?

Yes braids do help hair grow. If you eat good and exercise then that'll help your hair grow even more.

Why rasta does eat other humans hair to get their rasta long?

No they do not eat other humans hair for their hair to grow🤦🏽

How do you make your hair grow faster and longer without changing your diet?

to grow long hair is you have to eat helthy stuff and pull you hair until it rips

How can you grow your hair really fast?

you eat Jello. It has a growth ingredient to help grow your hair and nails. Or vitamin D. (:drink lots of milk and eat lots healthy things and at night time plait your hair

How can you have long hair?

A hint to grow hair faster is to wash it less, it is an old trick as shampoo and conditioners make hair grow slower. Eat a lot of protein and sleep.

What do you put on your hair at night to help it grow?

some people say when u wash ur hair often it can make hair grow fast,india people believe if eat lot onion can make hair grow lot

How can a male grow his hair long faster?

eat eggs a lot and drink milk.once i try it and got long hair in 2 days

Tips to grow long hair?

Sleep more Trim the tips of hair often And eat more vegetables and fruits.

How can you grow your hair?

There are many different ways:Buying shampoos to make your hair grow longkeeping it loose and let it grow out without being touched!- DO NOT USE not heat damage your hair, such as- hair straighteners, hairdryer, hairspray, sun etcBut the best way is to eat healthy, type into google 'what vitamins do i need to make my hair healthy and grow long' and it will tell you fruit&veg to buy which has the vitamins to help you grow your hair, also try and not damage your hair with heat products.

If You eat brizalan nuts does it help your hair growth-?

yes it helps hair to grow and make the hair to soften.

How can you grow long hair fast?

The best way to grow long hair is to have a healthy diet. Eat foods like fruit and veggies. Anything with high protien. Also get trims every couple months to prevent split ends and breakage of the hair.

How do you grow longer hair?

Contrary to popular myth, trimming your hair frequently does not make it grow faster, however, it can help prevent split ends, which can make your hair look more healthy. In order to grow longer hair, be patient, stay healthy, get enough sleep, and eat a balanced, nutrient-filled diet with lots of protein (which is what your body makes hair out of).