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you have to aid a conditioner or stabilizer with cynaric acid in it.

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15y ago

Add cyanuric acid or stabilizer to maintain the chlorine in the pool.

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Q: What to use when pool water won't hold chlorine?
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Will switching from chlorine chemical system to a salt water system ruin pool?

No A salt water pool is in fact also chlorine pool, the difference being that with a salt water pool a salt water chlorinator converts the salt that is in the water into chlorine gas which is then dissolved into the water while the filter is running. the conversion wont have any adverse effects on the pool.

What does chlorine do in a pool?

The water gets saltier. Salt is added to salt water pools so that a chlorine generator can convert it into chlorine It wont do any harm as amater of act it will make the water feel better.

Can you go into a chlorine pool after getting your hair highlighted blonde?

yes the chlorine isn't bleach it wont do anything to your hair

Is it safe for your baby to get in a pool with diaper rash?

it depends how much chlorine it has. it can usually cause bigger problems, but if you mean a garden pool ( water from tap/ hose), then yes, it is safe and wont do the baby any harm.

Why is your pool green when the chlorine level is right?

Chlorine is not particularly good at getting rid of algae once it gets established in the water so just having the chlorine levels right wont fix it. As a matter of fact the algae will reduce the effectiveness of the pools chlorine and make the water more hazardous to swim in. The best thing to do is to get some algaecide from your pool shop and while you are at it take along a sample of your pool water as you may need to make some other changes in your water balance to prevent the problem from reoccurring pool shops do these tests free of charge and its a lot easier then doing it all yourself.

Can you add liquid chlorine to a salt water pool?

You can add salt to a chlorine pool, but you will not get the same effect as having a saline purification system. The fabulous feeling of the water in a salt water pool is a result of how the saline system produces and introduces the sanitizer to the water.Extra information. Adding ordinary salt to a pool wont do any harm and many people like the feel of it, Until recently the salt used in pools was exclusively sodium chloride the problem with that is that its not good for the garden and while the taste is not totally unpleasant it does take some getting used to. Now however you have a choice with the sort of salt you chose A new mixture of salt is becoming available using magnesium chloride and potassium chloride these have a really good effect on swimmers skin is far less toxic then ordinary salt and you can water the garden with the backwash.

If the plaster in a pool chips off how will that effect the quality of the pool water?

It probably wont, If anything slightly raise PH.

Can you add salt to your pool without having a salt generator?

Yes You can and it wont do the pool any harm as a matterof fact it will make it feel more pleasant to swimm in.

Do you need to clean filter at bottom of pool?

There is no filter at the bottom of a pool. Perhaps you are looking at the hydrostatic valve which is there in case your pool is emptied and Will make sure that the pool wont float in ground water.

Salt water pool no chlorine what is the problem?

(1) is there enough salt in the Pool?(2) is the chlorine generator turned on?(3) is the chlorine generator reasonably clean? Some of them can get clagged up with calcium and they wont work properly while that is the case they will also impede the flow of water through the system when they are like that.(4) have the chlorine generator elements reached their use by date?(5) Is there enough acid in the water?If it is clean and working you are often able to observe tiny bubbles coming away from the element.Have a talk with your pool shop if all of the above checks out in the mean time keep up the like you would in an ordinary pool

Your iPod Touch wont turn on or register on your computer after you dropped it in your pool?

bc you dropped it in water idiot

What is the overall effect on the pool and other people if people continuously urinate in swimming pool?

Ewwww! First, it is gross to just think about it. When you swim, you get water in your mouth, nose, ears, eyes, etc. So there is a psychological effect, the person wouldn't swim knowing there is pee in the pool. So the ole "What you don't know, wont hurt you" applies to this subject. Physically? No effect at all unless the person peeing has hepititis or some other disease which spreads on contact from the urine. Just shower after swimming, you will be fine. Peeing in the pool will use up any free chlorine that is present and the pool will be unsanitary. There are several other communicable deseases that could be caught in an unsanitary pool or a pool with low chlorine levels. YUK.