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Stopping smoking is the only way to lessen the chance of cancer.

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Q: What can a smoker do to lessen their chance of getting lung cancer?
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Related questions

Can a 11 year old get lung cancer from smoking even without her period?

Whether or not a person has her periods yet has nothing to do with her chance of getting cancer. Cigarettes can cause cancer, no matter how young the smoker is.

Is there a certain race gender or age group that that has a higher risk of getting lung cancer?

If you're a smoker then you're at risk... Someone I know was once a smoker until he quitted because he figured out he might be getting lung cancer... Oh well if you are a smoker, then please stop for Lord God!

The dangers of cigarette smoking in addition to lung cancer?

Smoking cigarettes greatly increases your chances of getting cancer over somebody else who is a non-smoker. It is highly recommended that you quit smoking to lessen your risks of lung, throat, and other mouth cancers.

What are the dangers of passive smoke?

The dangers of passive smoke are the same as that of a smoker. Generally speaking, you have the same chances, if not more, of getting cancer (mainly lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and throat cancer), heart attack, or a disease of the lungs called COPD. In pregnant women, the effects are devastating for the baby. The baby has a high chance of dying from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

What does being around a smoker do to your body?

Being around a smoker you may get Breast cancer

Which of the following is a chain smoker likely to deve A Hepatitis B Lung cancer C Blood cancer?

A chain smoker will likely develop emphysema and possible lung cancer.

What are the chances you can get cancer if you live in a house with 3 smokers?

it depends if the 3 people smoke in the house, out of the house, around you, or not around you, etc. but the chances of getting cancer if you live with even 1 smoker are just as high as if you were the smoker yourself, so times that by 3 and you've got your answer!

What is a chain smoker likely to develop?


What is likely for a chain smoker to develop?


Can you get cancer kissing a smoker?

No, the chemicals that cause cancer are not transmitted through kissing

What type cancer did bette Davis die from she was smoker?

Breast cancer.

How can COPD treatment help a smoker?

COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease treatment helps a smoker because it helps them quit smoking for the long term, which helps prevent smokers from getting lung cancer and emphysema.