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Q: What can affect the resistance of a wire?
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How does the thickness of the wire affect resistance?

A thicker wire has less resistance than a thinner wire.

How does the thickness of wire affect the resistance?

A thicker wire has less resistance than a thinner wire.

Do bend in wire affect the resistivity?

no there will be no any affect on resistance of wire, when it bends

How does length affect resistance of a wire?

In general, the longer the wire the greater the resistance. The only time that this is not so is when the wire is a superconductor, in which case the resistance is always zero.

Does the diameter of the wire affect resistance?

Yes. Other things being equal, a thicker wire has less resistance.

Does thickness of wire affect resistance? affect.because thick wire cannot hold high resistance of current

How does temperature affect resistance of a wire?

If you are asking if a hot wire has a greater resistance than a cold wire then the answer I would say is yes. Cold wires have always had less resistance than hot wires

Why does the length of wire affect the resistance?

the longer the wire, the more mass the electrons have to travel thru. the more they have to travel thru, the more resistance. (and the resultant heat) the more electrically conductive the wire, the less resistance.

How does a wire's cross section affect resistance?

If two pieces of wire are made of the same material and have the same length but different resistance, then the one with the greater cross section area has the lower resistance.

What are factors that affect resistance of electricity?

Temperature, thickness, length and type of wire.

What increases resistance in a wire?

Current (measured by an ammeter) and Voltage (measured by a voltmeter) R= V/I Resistance equals voltage divided by current ================================ That's wonderful, but the measurement doesn't "affect" the resistance of the wire. The factors that do "affect" the resistance ... i.e. determine what the resistance will be ... are -- substance of which the wire is composed -- dimensions of the wire: thickness and length.

What happens to resistance of the wire if the wire is short?

Short wire has less resistance Long wire has more resistance Thick wire has less resistance Thin wire has more resistance