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Q: What can be a short summary on dragon in the tunnel by Ruskin Bond?
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The four feathers is a short story originating from his school days rusty and his three friends branbimalriaz

What is the shortest story written by Ruskin Bond?

"The Room on the Roof" is a short story written by Ruskin Bond.

What is the short vowel in the first syllable trail toaster tunnel?

The short vowel in the first syllable of "trail" is the sound "a" as in "cat."

Is the word tunnel a short vowel?

Yes, the word "tunnel" has a short vowel sound. The "u" in "tunnel" makes a short /ʌ/ sound.

Is tunnel a short vowel word?

Yes, "tunnel" is a short vowel word. The first vowel sound in "tunnel" is the short u sound.

Why are ruskin bond's books famous for?

Ruskin bond famous for Books mostly short note fairy tell books for children

What is the best short story by Ruskin Bond?

The room on the roof.

Fire Dragon Fall Near you Again.What are the summary of this short story?

the characters: allen, main character lyle, brother mom, dad, fire dragon uncle something.... and grandpa emory

what is the part of speech for last?

Best conclusion or in short summary.

How many stories did Ruskin Bond wrote?

Ruskin Bond wrote 500 short stories and 200 books by the age of 87 and is still writing more.

What is a summary of masterji-ruskin bond?

"Masterji" is a short story by Ruskin Bond that follows the life of a retired school teacher known as Masterji. Despite facing struggles and loneliness in his old age, Masterji maintains his dignity and finds solace in memories of his past students and the simple joys of life. The story explores themes of aging, nostalgia, and resilience in the face of adversity.

Does dragon a long or short vowel?

The word "dragon" has a short vowel sound. The 'a' is pronounced like the 'a' in apple.