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the equasion for photosynthesis: 6co2+6h2o interacting with sunlight and nutrients=c6h12o6+6o2

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Q: What can be concluded about the dye that makes the liquid look green?
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What makes eyes green?

nothing MAKES it look green they just are,If you have changing eyes it depends on what your wearing

How do algae makes a water look like clean?

Algae is a very small plant that is green so when you get enough of it in the water it makes the water look green

What makes the green light in a spotlight look green?

The wavelength of the light affects the way that we see it.

What makes Uranus look blue-green in color?

Methane Gas

What makes the status of liberty look green?

The copper's reactivity with air.

What does aquatic look like?

It depends on HOW you look at it!Its could be blue or green or clear.It could be full of algae or full of pollution!

Is earth the colors of blue and green?

No, the Earth is brown, the sea is blue, and the grass is green which makes it look blue and green. thank you and have a fun day :}

What makes the sea look slightly green?

Algae or other small plant life that grows in the water can make the sea look green. These organisms are photosynthetic and so contain the green pigment chlorophyll.

Why is de grass green?

its not its green you just said so yourself

What does poison gas look like?

Answer: and it was also a liquid so that whenever you threw it , it would turn into a cloud of smoke that was green. like smoke... except green is gay

Define column hold-up?

Sometimes: The amount of liquid phase required to fill the column with a liquid-vapor equilibrium. Other Times: The liquid that sticks to the column and makes it look "wet"

Test to distinguish chlorine and bromine?

Look at it, chlorine is a yellow-green gas, bromine is a red-brown fuming liquid.