

What can be done if you have bipolar?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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From gergc

I have been bipolar for 60 years. You will not find this suggestion any where in biolar medical circles. Find an "educated" (TA) Transactional Analysis practitioner. Some who are new at (TA) find Bipolar daunting. It will not cure you but you will understand yourself in relation to others better as you communicate with them. It works for me. End

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Depression is a part of bipolar disorder, and yes it is possible to hide it. It's not healthy, but it can be done. What's harder to hide is the manic phase of bipolar.

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You can tell if you have bipolar disease by going to the doctor and getting some tests done. The doctor will be able to determine if you indeed do have bipolar disease. You cannot diagnose yourself with something like this.

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Yes if the bipolar is worse then it can mania or hypo mania it just depends on the level the bi polar is at and what is being done to manage it and have good medications

How is disorders diagnosed?

Testing is done by psychologist to determine whether or not someone has Bipolar disorder or something similar to it.

How are bipolar tests performed?

A bipolar disorder test is an examination done by a psychiatrist in order to make the diagnosis. The test primarily consists of questions for the patient. Their answers are usually enough to detect a bipolar disorder.

What is bipolar NOS?

Bipolar NOS is a category for bipolar states that do not clearly fit into the bipolar I, II, or cyclothymia diagnoses.

Is there a neuropsychological test for bipolar in children?

Sorry, no there is no objective test that can be done on anyone (child or adult) for Bipolar Disorder. It is only diagnosable by subjective observation of symptoms (given in the current DSM in the US or ICD elsewhere in the world).

What research has been done on bipolar disorder?

A 2003 study found that schizophrenia and bipolar disorder could have similar genetic causes that arise from certain problems with genes associated with myelin development in the central nervous system.

How do you say bipolar disorder in Spanish?

Desorden bipolar o trastorno bipolar

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Can your children get bipolar?

Kids can definitely get Bipolar, especially if one (or both) of the parents are Bipolar.