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Q: What can be used to respesent the direction and strenght of a force?
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What can be used to represent the strength and direction of a force?

A vector can represent the direction and strength of a force.

Can be used to represent the direction and strength of a force?

A vector can represent the direction and strength of a force.

What can be used to represent the direction and strengh of a force?

Magnitudes that have a direction are called vectors. An arrow can be used to represent them.

What factors is used to calculate work?

Work = Force x Displacement in the direction of the Force.

Does a force vector describe the direction and the speed of a force?

Yes, basically. But please note that there is no such thing as the "speed of a force". A force vector describes the magnitude of a force, and its direction. In general, a physical vector - the vectors commonly used in physics - describes the magnitude of something, and its direction.

Which two components must be used to describe a force?

magnitude and direction

Why can vectors be used to represent forces?

A vector is a quantity with magnitude and direction. Since force has magnitude and direction, it is a vector

What can be used to show a force?

We usually use an arrow to represent a force. It's length is proportional to the magnitude of the force, and it points in the direction the force operates.

How are arrows used to show force vectors?

The direction of the arrow indicates the direction of the resultant force. The length of the arrow indicates the amount of the force. Resultant means the net result of two or more forces.

How does a hammer used to pull a nail from the board change the direction of the force?

It is a lever.

When a fixed pulley is used what does the force and the load do?

A fixed pulley allows the direction of the applied force to be varied. It does not change the load.