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Q: What can care givers expect to see as an infant develops fine and gross motor skills as well as locomotion?
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What spinal curvature develops as an infant begins to hold up his or her head?

The thoracic and sacral curvatures are obvious at birth. The cervical curvature develops when a baby begins to hold its head up independently, and the lumbar curvature develops when the baby learns to walk.

What are the consequences of tobacco smoke smoke for infants?

Often results in death for the infant or it may have trouble breathing, develops asthma. Etc

A nursing infant develops a powerful sucking muscle that adults also use for whistling. What is this muscle called?

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What is the curve called that develops when an infant holds his head upright?

The cervical curve or cervical lordosis begins to develop when a baby holds her head upright.

What are the early symptoms of Leigh syndrome?

The infant usually initially develops symptoms that include hypotonia (decreased muscle tone), vomiting, and ataxia (balance or coordination abnormalities).

How is sperm able to fertilize an egg?

The Ovalry Releases an egg and and the sperm travels through the fallopian tube to meet the egg.When They Meet they form A Zygote then it develops into an Infant

Is the neck the muscle that develops first in a child?

NO, the main neck muscle is called the sternocleidomastoid & doesn't get strong enuf for an infant to hold up their head until about 6months of age.

Why do women carry the baby in the womb?

Since humans are mammals, the human infant grows and develops in themother's uterus (or womb) for the first 36 weeks (~9 months). The fetus is protected from the outside environment, infection, etc. while it develops as well as receives nutrients (food, oxygen and water) from the mother via the umbilical cord.

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How was the rouge test used to determine what stage of development in an infant?

The rouge test, also known as the mirror self-recognition test, involves marking an infant's face with a colored dot and then observing their reaction in front of a mirror. If the infant touches or shows awareness of the mark on their face, it suggests self-recognition and the ability to understand that the reflection is of themselves, indicating a stage of development known as self-awareness.