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i seriously dont know.. in error, exposure to chemicals and exposure to radiation

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being exposed to nuclear activity or near a bomb site

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Q: What can cause a mutation when the cell copies its DNA?
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What can cause mutation when the cell copies its DNA?

i seriously dont know.. in error, exposure to chemicals and exposure to radiation

How can mutation occurs in cells?

Mutations can be inherited. This means that if a parent has a mutation in his or her DNA, then the mutation is passed on to his or her children.Mutations can be acquired. This happens when environmental agents damage DNA, or when mistakes occur when a cell copies its DNA prior to cell division.

How can a mutation in a DNA bases sequence cause a change in a protein?

dna in a cell needs protein and chromosomes.

How can a mutation in a DNA base sequence cause change in a protein?

dna in a cell needs protein and chromosomes.

How can a mutation in DNA base sequence cause a change in a protein?

dna in a cell needs protein and chromosomes.

A change in the genetic material of a cell is called?

Cancer- certain mutations (changes) in a cell's genetic material may cause that cell to reproduce with out control.

Why is important that exact copies of DNA are produced during replication?

because if not.. it will cause DNA mutation... your features may change or worst.. it may cause cancer... because in theory.. cancer is caused by DNA mutations...

How can a mutation in a base sequence cause a change in a protein?

dna in a cell needs protein and chromosomes.

Why wouldn't mutation in a lung cell be passed on to offspring?

A mutation is an alteration in the DNA of the cell. Because the mutation is not "part" of the original DNA of your body, it cannot be passed onto your offspring

What is one way that changes occur in a DNA Sequence?

Mutations (point mutations, inversions, translocations...) cause changes in DNA Simply stated, a mistake made while DNA copies causes changes in DNA.

What rays increases mutation rates?

UV rays. These cause thymine to form dimers in skin cell DNA.

Why is it important for each new cell to get the copy of the original cell's DNA?

Each new cell needs a copy of the original cell's DNA to ensure that it has the same genetic information necessary for carrying out cellular functions and processes. This DNA contains instructions for the cell's development, growth, and functioning, so having an accurate copy is essential for the new cell to properly function and divide.