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That sound alot like Irritable Bowel Syndrome it is a comman thing that affects a large amount of the population and is easily mangaed with medaction from you doctor and because it is command it is usally easy to test for via doctor.

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12y ago

Having a heavy flowing period can. The best option is birth control. But if you cant afford those, try to drink as much water as possible. Not only will it keep you hydrated, but your cramps will be alot more manageable. Headaches can sometimes be caused by dehydration, which can be caused by diahheria

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Q: What can cause diarrhea brown period that is not as usual but lighter headaches nausea?
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What are some signs that im getting my period?

Cramps, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, lower back pain.

What are some signs that you have your period?

Discharge in the panties, cramping, headaches, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, etc.

Can you feel nausea before you period?

It is possible to feel nauseous before your period starts; along with bloating, cramps, irritability, etc.. the hormone changes can cause nausea and/or diarrhea, too.

How can you tell whether you have your period or when your pregnant?

Mostly signs of a period and pregnancy are similar but there are more signs to pregnancy. If you have your periods you'd experience: cramps, headaches, sometimes nausea and/or diarrhea, headaches, mood swings and when you are pregnant you'd experience: dizziness for some women, exhaustion, your abdomen feels hard like a ball as if blotted, and a need to pee more often than normal.

Will doubling up on birth control cause a period to come early?

No but it may cause nausea, breast tenderness or headaches.

Are back and side pains nausea diarrhea and fatigue signs of pregnancy?

Yes, they are. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period

What are the signs of having your period or the signs of pregnancy?

Period: Cramps Headaches Nausea Diarrohea Tired Emotional and moody Pregnancy: Missed period Headaches Dizziness Feeling sick and actually being sick Exhausted Positive pregnancy test Emotional and moody Needing to pee more

Are diarrhea and cramping and a short period a signs of pregnancy?

It could be, but a stomach virus that causes the diarrhea and cramping could be making the period lighter too. Illness and stress, as well as many other things can cause a wacky period. On the other hand, a lighter and/or shorter period and diarrhea are both early symptoms of pregnancy.

Is yellow diarrhea normal in pregnancy?

No this is not normal. Your body should function reletively normal. IF you haven't heard of it being a common side effect of pregnancy.... example: headaches, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness, hunger cravings, constipation, hemroids.... then it's probably something you need to see your doctor about. If you have diarrhea for any extended period of time it can put you at risk for dehydration and preterm labor.

What is wrong if you had your period a week early with a more pinkish maroonish color plus you had lower back pain and diarrhea?

If your period was lighter than normal this could be pregnancy related.

Is it a sign of pregnancy if you use the withdrawal method and have irregular periods and and are experiencing headaches nausea and cramping plus a light period?

Hi there. Yes these are all signs of pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of having a period?

if you feel sick to your belly that means you are going to have your period in a month or tomorrow Irritability/PMS, breast tenderness, headaches, abdominal bloating/nausea, backache are the usual symptoms of your monthly menses.