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Many things can lead to an eating disorder:

Anorexia/bulimia nervosa:

1. control

2. unhappiness

3. could be an occupational hazard (Ex// modeling)

Obesity related eating disorders:

1. unhappiness

2. works as a temporary comfort for hurt

3. could be the kind of family that person is from - like if the parents have not regard whatsoever for nutritional values, then this person will never learn what is healthy and will continue to eat the same way they were taught as a child.

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14y ago
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13y ago

There can be many causes of eating disorders. Some of the most common causes are having a family member or friend with an eating disorder, peer pressure, bullying / teasing, socail or media influences, and dieting that simply gets oout of hand and goes too far.

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8y ago

Like all mental illness, it is a combination of genetics, personality, up bringing and experiences. Someone with an eating disordered family member is more likely to develop an ED themselves. Type A personalities (perfectionists) are also more likely to develop an eating disorder. If someone is predisposed (by genetics or personality) and are bullied as children, pushed to achieve or abused and experience a stressful situation may then go on to develop an eating disorder. it varies a lot though, and not all cases are the same.

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13y ago

low self-esteem, usually brought on by abuse or neglect.

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