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The only thing that will remove the drug from your system is time. After approximately 2 - 5 days the remaining amount in blood or urine is generally not sufficient to make you fail a test. Heavy users may take much longer to clear the system out. A test using hair will typically show positive for about 90 days.

There is no magic pill, ointment, bath, salts, or vitamin that will eliminate the drug from your body. People often claim that massive doses of niacin will do the job but that will not work and will cause its own side effects. (The overdoses of niacin are a Scientology treatment regimen with no scientific evidence).

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8y ago

There are no magical potions that "clear" drugs out of your system faster than normal. You can spend a lot of money on stuff, but it's all laxatives and stuff that just makes you urinate - doesn't clean you out at all.

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Q: Candrinking water for three days help clean out your system of cocaine?
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How long does iv cocaine stay in your system if you have to pass a drug test?

Three days, same as snorted or smoked cocaine.

How long does it take to get cocaine out of your system to pass a UA?

it would take three months to get any and all drugs out of your system

If you took cocaine on the first and your urine test is the 9th and you did about six lines are you ok?

you should be its supposed to clean out in three or four days

How do you clean cocaine from your system?

After two days, the cocaine should be washed out of your system, if you have a slow metabolism it may take three days, although detoxing isn't quite necessary after two days. If you insist upon detoxing, exercise frequently and fast, if possible attend saunas so as to initiate fat-burning and the removal of accumulated drug metabolites and byproducts.Cocaine generally clears the human body within 3 to 5 days. The best way to "clean one's system" of any substance is abstinence.

Will three days be enough time to summit a clean urine after using crack cocaine for 5 hours?

NO you need to be clean for 7 to 8 days before pissing clean.. Go get a detox kit at a hemp shop..

How long do it take to clean your system of spice?

Three days

How long will one line of cocaine stay in your system?

atleast one to three days, drink plenty of water!

What is the longest the can stay in your system?

4 days it will be clean maybe three

Does qpretox actually clean your system for drug test?

Yes it does. I did it and my system was clean after five days. Take 3 pills three times a day. 9 a day

What is the quickest way to pass a drug test after using cocaine?

The quickest way to pass a drug test after using cocaine is obviously 1.) Time (it takes three days for cocaine to leave your system). 2.) Water, and lots of it, it won't completely take the drug out of your body but your urine will be dilluted.

If you took like three or four hits have been clean for along time will pickle juice and water clean your system?

hits of what? if it's weed then starting out clean 3 or 4 hits will be out of your system in a few days all by itself

How do you know if cocaine is out of your system?

buy a drug test at your local rite aid or CVS or pharmacy