

What can corrugate cardboard be used to?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Corrugated carboard is primarily used for shipping and packing boxes, as well as for securely wrapping valuables and breakables that are being transported. Interestingly, when hats were in vogue, corrugated cardboard was often used as a hatband.

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Cardboard carton boxes can be used to store items when a person is moving. Cardboard carton boxes can also be used to store items in an attic or basement.

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Very few trees are used in the production of cardboard, because just about all cardboard is recycled. Cardboard is made by moistening and heat drying already used cardboard. It is first made into huge rolls of paper and then layered to form thicker cardboard.

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Cardboard boxes can be used for gardening. You can give your cardboard boxes away on BoxGiver

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Pressed cardboard is called corrugated cardboard. It is lightweight, very strong and durable, and is used to package and store many products.

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The scientific name of cardboard is "carton." Cardboard is made from a heavy type of paper and is commonly used for packaging and crafting.

Why is cardboard used for packaging?

Cardboard is used for packaging because it is recyclable, affordable & easy to get hold of. Also, it is handy for stacking products to prevent damage to products.