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Q: What can donate phosphate in the Calvin-Benson cycle?
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In the Calvin-Benson cycle which can donate phosphate?


Is disodium hydrogen phosphate an acid or base?

Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate have only one hydrogenion to donate to a base in an acid-basereaction.

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What donates phosphate in the Calvin cycle?

The answer is ATP.

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What is ATP cycle?

Work consumes ATP, which is then regenerated from ADP and phosphate.

What does ATP release when it loses a phosphate group?

ATP release one phosphate atom through the craps cycle, it will reformed to ADP.

What is the role of ATP in synthesis?

ATP is used in the Calvin cycle in it's phosphorylation role; transferring phosphate groups to Calvin cycle intermediates that then go through the conformational rearrangements which result in the sugar product, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate that leaves the cycle and the reconstitution of oxaloacete, beginning the cycle again.

Why is ATP important in photosynthesis?

ATP is used in the Calvin cycle in it's phosphorylation role; transferring phosphate groups to Calvin cycle intermediates that then go through the conformational rearrangements which result in the sugar product, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate that leaves the cycle and the reconstitution of oxaloacete, beginning the cycle again.

What results from three turns of the Calvin cycle?

glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P)

Which of the following is not a possible fate of glucose-6-phosphate?

It can enter into the urea cycle

What is produce during the Calvin Cycle?

glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) and water