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Q: What can forces change the movement of objects?
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Forces can change the of movement of an object?

Indeed that is almost the definition of a Force - that it can act on objects to change their behaviour. Friction, gravity, electrostatic, magnetic and so on.

What forces can change an objects motion?

Gravity is one of the forces

What is the forces that result in no change in an objects motion?

Balanced Forces

What are forces that result in no change in an objects motion?

Forces that result in no change in an object's motion balanced forces.

What are forces that do not cancel out or change an objects motion?

Balanced forces do not change an object's motion.

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Do balanced forces change an objects motion?


What are the forces that result in no change in an objects. Motion?

Forces that are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction and acting on the same object will not create a change in said objects motion.

What Forces that result in no changes in an objects motion?

Forces that result in no change in an object's motion balanced forces.

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What are the possible effects of forces?

Forces can stop or start an object in motion, or change its velocity. They can also change the shape of objects.

What Can change an objects motion?

forces like push and pull