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Q: What can form when a group of individuals become isolated from the main group?
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Can form when a group of individuals become isolated from the main group?


What might happen if a population to become isolated?

It MIGHT form a new species.

What is The theory that most new species form when small populations became isolated?

The idea that new species form when isolated from the parent group is called genetic drift. The isolation can be as small as a few miles to thousands of miles.

Blank Are hubs that serve a group of computers that are isolated from the rest of the network or that form their own small network?

standalone hubs

Is a group home a prison?

No, a group home is not a prison. Group homes are residential facilities where individuals with specific needs can receive support and care in a community setting. In contrast, prisons are correctional institutions where individuals are incarcerated as a form of punishment for committing crimes.

What is group Entrepreneurship?

Group entrepreneurship is when individuals come together to form an enterprise. This brings together people who have different skills which is a critical aspect of economic development.

A group of individuals of the same species that interbreed make up what?

This the the short form of the species concept.So,Species.

Why do new species form?

According to the biological species concept, when the new species no longer can interbreed with the ancestral species, or with the population that it has been geographically isolated from long enough to have allele change significantly enough to prevent interbreeding.

What is the term used to describe one's fear of isolated places?

In reality, fear of isolated spaces is a form of claustrophobia.

How might the isolation of a group result in a new species?

a new species might form when a group of individuals remains sparated from the rest of its species long enough to accumulate different traits

Is something owned by and individual person or a group of people?

Most things are owned by individuals. When a group wants to own something, they usually form a partnership, corporation, or trust that is the legal owner.

Which group of element take in electrons and what do they become?

Group 17 and group 16 elements will take one and two electrons respectively to form mono negative and dinegative anions.