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Q: What can grow after a male fish fertilizes the eggs from a female fish?
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What is the name of a fish offspring?

It varies depending on the type of fish. For many, female fish lay eggs. The eggs are fertilized by the male fish outside the body of the female after they are laid. The eggs grow into baby fish.

How do fish have baby?

Fish lay eggs. There are some varieties of fish that are "mouth breeders" and other just lay their eggs and the male comes along and fertilizes them.they ffucckin bang banng boom to the mooon wooot wooot

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The female ferns lay their eggs in a spot of high carbon dioxide and water concentration, after that the male fern comes along and fertilizes the eggs before they are allowed to grow into a beautiful pack of baby ferns

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The same as with other mammals. The female (sow) mates with the male (boar). Sperm from the male fertilizes eggs of the female. They grow in the female's womb until ready to be born. They are expelled from the womb to the outside of the body, and you now have baby piggies.

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Do saw fish give birth or lay eggs?

Clownfish like sea anemones, they "live" in them. Once a girl clownfish finds a boy clownfish to her specifications, she lays eggs and he fertilizes them. Hope this helped

How do fish produce their young?

producing fishFirst of all you need a female and a male fish but its hard to tell what gender a fish is .In the rite surcomstances the female fish will lay her many eggs and afterwoods the male fish will insert his sperm into the eggs. They dont have sex.But its hard for fish to lay eggs in captivity

How does sexual reproduction in fish happen?

The same way humans do, with a few diffs. They have sex, then the woman stores eggs in her vaginal case, then lets them out a week before birth. the eggs hatch, then a tadpole is born! -no, the male puts his "finger" in the female's vagina hole. Then, he releases eggs into her and she helps them grow by fingering herself.

Will a female frog lay eggs even if there is no male present if so what will become of the eggs?

the eggs will grow until they are big full grow frogs!

Why do frogs and toads mate in water?

Probably not. The female most likely releases her eggs in the water as soon as the male frog signals to do so, and the male frog then fertilizes the eggs.

Does fish repreduce sexually?

no ... when fish are borned thay has a bag that is full of eggs and when it grows another fish comes and kiss in the mouth and breakes the bag ,the eggs come out and grow .

Why fish lay so many eggs?

fish eggs and young fish tend to have many predators that want to eat them so many of them don't survive. By laying large amounts of eggs, adult fish increases the probabilty that one of those eggs will survive to grow into a full grown fish and reproduce.