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Age of consent is 18 so it would be defined as Sexual Abuse 3 (Class A Misdemeanor). Of course the pregnancy will probably make it worse since it's not just haivng sex by now.

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Q: What can happen to a 18 year old boy who got a 16 year old girl pregnant in Oregon?
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What happens if a 16 year boy gets a 19 year old girl pregnant in Oregon?

He becomes a father. And has all the responsibilities of having a child, including child support.

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No, you cannot.

What president got a A year old girl pregnant?

It is impossible for a year old girl to become pregnant.

How long would it take a 16 year old girl to get pregnant?

There's no telling. It can happen the first time she has sex.

What the youngest you can get pregnant?

a girl can get pregnant at one year old

Could that happen to be pregnant when a girl is 18 and a boy is 13?

I certainly hope not since it is against the law to have sex with a 13 year old.

Can a 16 year. old guy get a 18 year. old girl pregnant?

No, definitely not. A 16 year old girl is not considered an adult wheather she is pregnant or not!

Can a 8 year old girl get pregnant?

Yes, an 8 year old can get pregnant. The youngest birth on record was to a 5 year old girl.

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In exactly the same way every other female gets pregnant

What would happen if a 16 year old girl got pregnant by a 20 year old in Texas?

The girl would be burdened with pregnancy at 16, and the guy would go to jail

Can a 19 year old guy go to jail for getting a 16 year old girl pregnant if the parents won't let them see each other?

yes, you know it can happen!