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A carbon monoxide detector.

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Q: What can help detect a carbon monoxide buildup?
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What can help detect a carbon monoxide build up?

Carbon monoxide detector

Can help detect a carbon monoxide build up?

In the modern day, a carbon monoxide detector. The earliest detectors were certain species of birds (e.g. canaries) that were known to be susceptible to toxic gases.

What is carbon monoxide cycle?

Carbon monoxide is first produced by either human activities involving combustion or a variety of natural processes. From there on, it reacts with oxygen/hydrogen radicals in the atmosphere and become carbon dioxide. The fact that most carbon monoxide will become carbon dioxide when left in the atmosphere long enough can help explain why the carbon monoxide cycle is not taught in school.

Vehicle emissions devices incorporate a chemical reaction to help control carbon monoxide pollution What effect does adding a catalyst have for this reaction?

It produces more carbon monoxide.

How can pictures of gum disease help in diagnosing oral issues?

Pictures of gum disease help diagnose oral issues in many ways. They can help detect inflammation in the gums, plaque buildup, food related bacteria and detect cavities.

What can help detect a carbon dioxide buildup?

A modern battery-operated carbon dioxide/monoxide detector is the best way to detect a gas build-up. Historical note: A caged canary used to be taken down coal mines. If the canary collapsed, there was carbon dioxide present at a dangerous level to the coal miners.

Lung and gills help animals take in?

Lungs and gills help animals breathe by taking in oxygen and than releasing carbon monoxide.

Would a butane camp stove be safe to use indoors?

A butane camp stove should not be used indoors because there might be a buildup of carbon monoxide. Then you can get carbon monoxide poisoning. A headache is a sign that you have been poisoned. Call 911 for help.

How can solar energy hep to become carbon neutral?

By increasing the use of solar energy, we can reduce the use of oil, gas, and/or coal, thereby reducing the production and release of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. That could help us to become carbon neutral.

What is a good way to prevent accidental carbon monoxide poisoning on a boat?

One way is to make sure you have adequate ventilation while the motor is running and use your bilge blower should help too.They do make Carbon Monoxide detecters for house's you can use on boats. They're about the same size as a smoke detector.

If you have inhaled CO how do you recover?

Either breathe it out and/or breathe some oxygen in by moving to an area of fresh air. This is the only way to rid it from your respiratory system, though prolonged exposure to carbon monoxide will cause permanent damage to the brain, from which there is no recovery. If carbon monoxide poisoning is suspected, seek medical help. There is no treatment that can be administered at home.

How has the community responded to rising sea levels?

Removing catalytic converter's and untuning there vehicles so more carbon monoxide is created.