

What can help neurophaty like symptoms?

Updated: 11/12/2022
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17y ago

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If you aren't sure you have this disease then please don't second-guess and see your doctor. We do the research, but are not doctors. Don't sit and worry because other things can cause some of the symptoms as well. Symptoms depend on the type of nerve(s) affected (motor, sensory, autonomic) and where the nerve is located in the body. Muscle weakness, cramps, and spasms. In some cases, there may be loss of balance and coordination. Tingling, numbness, and pain. Pain associated with sensory nerve damage is variously described as: Sensation of wearing an invisible "glove" or "sock"; Burning, freezing, or electric-like ; Extreme sensitivity to touch . If the autonomic nerves are damaged, involuntary functions may be affected. Symptoms that can result from this type of damage include abnormal blood pressure and heart rate, reduced ability to perspire, constipation, bladder dysfunction (e.g., incontinence ... urinating often or dribbling urine), and sexual dysfunction. Some neuropathies develop suddenly; others progress slowly, even over a number of years. Severity varies among individuals and may vary in the same individual throughout the day. Symptoms generally are more severe at night. Complications Untreated peripheral neuropathy may result in permanent loss of nerve function, tissue damage, and muscle atrophy. It is important to receive proper treatment and management of this condition to reduce the risk for irreversible damage and other serious complications. Chronic pain can cause sleeplessness and a decline in quality of life. Pain sufferers often experience a disruption in their ability to perform daily tasks and may suffer from depression. Symptoms of depression include apathy, feelings of isolation and frustration, and memory loss.

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