

What can hurt or damage the brain?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Getting hit on the head

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Q: What can hurt or damage the brain?
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Hypernatremia can cause neurological damage due to shrinkage of brain cells

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Brain damage, if your spinal cord is damaged.

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Only if you consume alcohol.Alcohol can cause liver and brain damage.

Does it hurt to get tattoo on the head?

YES, You mite not want to get that, it could cause serious brain damage

Would it hurt if something pierced into your brain?

The brain itself has no pain receptors but the skin and bone of the skull do. It could damage a part of the brain and cause something similar to a stroke.

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When you are pregnent DO NOT DRINK! It will hurt your baby. It could cause brain damage and things like that.

What is the difference between brain damage and brain injury?

The difference is that one can have a brain injury and not have brain damage. Essentially, brain damage is caused by injury or trauma to the brain. However, not every injury to the brain will cause brain damage.

What is the difference between brain injury and brain damage?

The difference is that one can have a brain injury and not have brain damage. Essentially, brain damage is caused by injury or trauma to the brain. However, not every injury to the brain will cause brain damage.

Why does it hurt to push on your temple?

The temple is a pressure point, which if hit hard enough, can cause brain damage and even death. This is because the temple is sort of a route to the brain from the outside.

What area of the brain you want to damage?

You don't really want to hurt any part of your brain because is can cause life mental problems. But, if you had to, I think a minor injury to the cerebrum is OK.

Why are people at risk when playing rugby?

People have risks of playing rugby beause it can damage certain parts your body.It can damage your brain and back. When you get tackled to hard, it can shake your nerve system and brain at the same time causing a sever headache and a shockful experience. It can also hurt your back but not as bad as your brain.

What happens if you hurt your brain?

It's easy you get brain hurt