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Q: What can i learn of Hillary Clinton about Hillary Clinton life?
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What is Hillary Clinton doing to help the us?

To learn more about Hillary, you can visit her site at

Who did Clinton appoint to head the panel on health care reform?

Hillary Clinton

Is Hillary Clinton a Republican or Democrat?

Hillary Clinton is a Democrat.

Where did Hillary Clinton live?

Where did hillary clinton live did hillary clinton have any acomplishments

What is Hillary Clinton interest in?

Hillary Clinton is from Chicago Illlinois

What is the designation of Hillary Clinton?

Hillary Clinton is a man with the occupation of a lumberjack

Hillary Clinton's Jobs?

what hillary Clinton's job is

What was Bill Clinton wife name?

hillary Clinton

What is Bill Clinton's role in Hillary Clinton's campaign?

Bill Clinton's role in Hillary Clinton's campaign is he, as a former president, tries to draw supporters to Hillary Clinton.

Who is beter Sarah Palin or Hillary Clinton?

Hillary Clinton

When did Hillary Clinton die and where?

Hillary Clinton is alive as of my last available update on the topic.

What nicknames does Hillary Rodham Clinton go by?

Hillary Rodham Clinton is commonly known as Hillary Clinton. She is also referred to by her supporters as "Hill" or "HRC."