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I would recommend either a metal nit comb or a "robi comb".

Metal nit comb: use 1-2 times daily for 2 weeks (cheaper)

Robi Comb: use once daily for 10-14 days (it zaps the little buggers but not you!)
lice as in head lice? its pointless killing them because by the time you've killed 1 lot, the eggs start to hatch and your back to square 1, I picked up this trick I've from my grandma! you'll be surprised, some old remedies do work, my hair is really long, just past my bum, I've always had long hair so it was always something I had to be extra careful about.. lots and lots of conditioner know you're thinking how does it work, well it makes your hair really slippy so they cant cling on! get a lice comb and for the next week do it before you go to sleep, put loads in, comb it through for about 5-10 minutes each night, DO NOT WASH IT OUT! leave it in all night, put a white towel over your pillow and you'll see it work wile you sleep too. the reason you should do it for a while is because it takes about 7-8 days for the eggs to hatch. You will want to get those before they start multiplying xx if its pubic, just shave, its so much cleaner
You can kill lice with a special treatment and usually you can buy it at drug stores.

Lice likes any head that's why it's called HEAD lice which practically means it likes any head. How do you make sure lice won't come to you? Well you have to put on gel or any thing like moose cream gel (etc.) if you don't have lice then just for safety I want you to put on a gel.
Heat and Mayo or go to


OR I would recommend either a metal nit comb or a "robi comb". Metal nit comb: use 1-2 times daily for 2 weeks (cheaper)

Robi Comb: use once daily for 10-14 days (it zaps the little buggers but not you!)
Use conditioner. Shampoo your hair, then slather conditioner on and leave it for 24 hours. Apparently it suffocates the lice. I'm not sure of the specifics of it, but I had lice 4 times in about 18 months because of my job, and this always worked better than lice shampoos which smell foul and strip your hair.
Wash hair with KP9 shampoo and conditioner. Then when dry comb through with lice comb. Repeat until there are none left in hair. Spray KP9 lice spray through hair for next week and wash any hats and pillow cases used by person with lice.

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