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Q: What can mixing ecstasy and imovane do?
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What are the side affetcs of mixing fluoxetine with ecstasy?

you should NEVER take ecstasy with an SSRI or MAOI drug. You run the risk of Serotonin Syndrome, a potentially fatal syndrome.

Does imovane overdose lead to death?

ya i think it can be

Is it safe to mix marijuana and ecstasy?

Mixing them is as safe as taking the ecstasy in itself. Cannabis never potentiates anything (mental potentiation aside). It's really a great combo. Have fun!

Can you take ectacy with imovane?

Yes you can, and I did get a very good "trip" out of that :D

Can you take flexeril with imovane?

You need to consult a doctor. We cannot answer such questions as we are unaware of your medical condition

Alcohol and extacy?

Mixing Ecstasy and Alcohol intensifies both but be sure to drink water when you mix them. Alcohol and ecstasy both dehydrate you to the point of possible death so take caution and be smart and messed up at the same time. remember ecstasy is illegal.

You took an SSRI 1 night before ecstasy will you feel the ecstasy?

If you are taking an SSRI regularly, you should not be mixing it with MDMA. They both negatively affect each other. The effectiveness of both is diminished. It takes about 2-4 weeks for most SSRI's to clear your system.

Is storing walnuts and almonds together dangerous?

Yes, according to the FDA: it is as lethal as cocaine, methamphetamine, and ecstasy combined. Mixing it with another nut can cause death. Have fun.

What is an example of a sentence using the word ecstasy?

Ecstasy is an illegal drug.She was in a state of sheer ecstasy.

What is ecstasy misuse?

when you misuse ecstasy.

Sentence using ecstasy?

She was on ecstasy.

How do you get an irection while on ecstasy?

If u can get an erection while on ecstasy, then ur not on enough ecstasy.