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It seems that you might be confusing "dreams" that occur during sleep with "dreams" in the sense of hopes and aspirations. Your hopes about your future achievements and success can only "come true" through hard work and persistent effort, including whatever education and training is appropriate to your "dream." If you dream of having your own successful business, you would need to have skills in math and accounting, which are essential to any business. You might pursue a college degree in business, take courses in management and retail economics and perhaps an MBA (Masters of Business Administration.) Then you would seek employment in whatever type of business interests you, to gain practical experience and hands-on knowledge of how that business works. And finally, you would need to understand the qualifications necessary for obtaining the capital (financing) necessary for your start-up.

> Your past can tell you about your future in the same sense that observing weather patterns can "forecast" next week's rain storm. Psychology has a long history of demonstrating how certain childhood experiences, traumas and patterns tend to result in predictable tendencies and behaviors in later life. Dreams that occur while sleeping express your deeply held and often hidden emotions, memories and thoughts. Again, like observing the weather, paying attention to your dreams can help you "forecast" patterns of your own behavior.

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Q: What can my past tell you about my future my childhood or childhood dreams my childhood dream was to be in my own business is this true and how long do I have to wait for this dream to come true?
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What can my past tell you about my future my childhood or childhood dreams my childhood dream was to be in my own business. is this true and how long do I have to wait for this dream to come true.?

== == b: your dreams will come true if you want them to but you have to work hard at it. i want to be a singer so i am trying very hard to make my dreams come true i am 11 years old and have big dreams.

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This dream is not prophetic; it does not foretell anything about the future. Rather, it expresses the hopes and emotions of the dreamer. Assuming the dreamer hopes to be together with his girlfriend in the future, these are wish-fulfillment dreams.

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Can some dreams predict the future of life?

maybe if you try to make that dream become real

What is it called when you dream the future?

When you get dreams of future events in your sleep, it is called precognition or precognitive dreams. Such dreams may be said to forecast or foretell the future.

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It represents future Beauty and or future make over make sure you follow you're dreams to be beautiful!

What does it mean when you dream a of solar eclipse?

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Is the word dream past present or future?

The verb "to dream" can be conjugated into several different tenses, including present, past, and future. In the present tense, the verb "to dream" is conjugated as "dream". For example, "I dream every night." In the past tense, the verb "to dream" is conjugated as "dreamed". For example, "I dreamed about flying last night." In the future tense, the verb "to dream" can be conjugated using auxiliary verbs such as "will" or "shall". For example, "I will dream about a tropical island tonight." or "I shall dream of a better world.".