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the continental slope

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9h ago

Beyond the continental shelf, the seafloor drops off abruptly into the deep ocean, forming the continental slope. This slope extends down to the abyssal plain, which makes up a large part of the ocean floor. The abyssal plain is characterized by flat, sediment-covered expanses that are home to a variety of deep-sea organisms.

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continental slope, where the sea floor steeply drops off to deeper ocean depths. It marks the transition from shallow continental waters to the deeper oceanic realm.

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The ocean zone that covers the continental shelf is called the neritic zone. It extends from the shoreline to the edge of the continental shelf, which is typically around 200 meters deep. This zone is characterized by high levels of sunlight, nutrients, and biodiversity.

Which side of Florida has the widest continental shelf?

The western side of Florida has the widest continental shelf. The Gulf of Mexico side of Florida typically has a wider continental shelf compared to the Atlantic Ocean side.

How is the slope different from the continental shelf?

Continental shelf is an undersea extension of a continent. Continental slope connects the continental shelf to the abyssal plain.

What forces control the shape of a continental shelf?

The shape of a continental shelf is mainly controlled by past and present geological processes, such as erosion, sedimentation, and tectonic activity. Sea level changes and climatic conditions can also influence the shape of a continental shelf by impacting erosion and sedimentation rates.