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this is the order from peat to coal, peat-lignite-bituminous-anthracite-

the higher up the the types, the higher BTU burn you well get, as well as a cleaner burn, but it takes more energy to get it started.

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Q: What can peat become if compressed long enough?
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Related questions

How does peat form?

Over time, the mosses become compressed into layers and form a blackish-brown material, which is called peat. (:

Why are large amounts of peat needed to form small amounts of anthracite?

The peat has to be compressed.

What is a Briquet?

A block of compressed coal dust or peat is used as fuel.

What is a layer of dead mosses compressed at the bottom of a bog called?

Peat moss, excavated, dried and sold at your local home improvement store

Is peat moss the same as peat?

No, peat moss is a growing, living plant, when peat moss dies and given the right conditions it will eventually become peat.

How long does it take peat to form?

Peat forms at about 1mm per year.

What does peat become when dried out?

Dried peat can be used in gardening. But it is also used as a fuel and burnt as a source of heat.

When does sphagnum become peat?

Well, the peat is an organism with 8 legs so it has to be an insect around the age of 6 months old. After that the cells from the legs explode from the preasure of heat so the answer is, it has to become peat around 8:00 pm!

When can a sphagnum moss become peat?

Sphagnum moss becomes peat when it decomposes. The actual time depends on environmental factors.

What process causes peat to become coal?

Peat becomes coal after being subjected to pressure from overlying sediments for long periods of time. Water and other organic materials are squeezed out of the peat, leaving mostly carbon. The harder the coal, the higher the carbon content. The water is frozen to erosion and evolve

Is peat moss poisonous to toads?

Only if the peat moss has been treated with toxic pesticides, or if the toad is unfortunate enough to breathe in spores from the toxic fungus that sometimes harbours in peat moss.

Why can't coal form in the arctic?

Coal forms from peat, and peat forms in bogs. There is not enough organic material in the arctic to form coal.