

What can science not study?

Updated: 5/25/2024
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13y ago

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You can apply the Scientific Method to almost any field.

One can use a scientific approach to viewing, and even creating art.

One can use science to describe, and perhaps improve movement, or even dancing.

To some extent one can view thought processes using EEG, FNMR, and PET scans.

One can study the basis of religion, or the effects of religion with science.

I suppose there are some things that are essentially not provable though. So, a scientist can claim that there is no evidence for GOD, or come up with alternative explanations for near-death-experiences. But, it is essentially impossible to prove or disprove the actual existence of God, or the actual existence of an afterlife. What truly is one's soul?

The same might be true with something like extrasensory perception. A scientist might be able to prove an "alternative explanation" for everything a psychic does. So a good magician might be able to do everything that a psychic did, but using magic with a logical explanation. However, it may be difficult to prove that one's alternative explanation is actually the only explanation and the psychic claims are hogwash.

It isn't to say that these fields can't be studied with science, but one might never be able to come ups with an absolute proof one way or the other.

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Science typically cannot study supernatural phenomena or topics related to morals, ethics, or personal beliefs. Additionally, science may struggle to investigate subjective experiences or phenomena that cannot be consistently measured or observed through empirical methods.

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Is physics life science physical science or social science?

Physics is a physical science that studies the fundamental principles governing the behavior of matter and energy in the universe. Life science, on the other hand, is a branch of science that focuses on the study of living organisms and their interactions. Social science, meanwhile, encompasses disciplines that study human behavior and society.

What are the various branches of science?

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Subcategories of natural science?

The two main branches of Ecolgy are: 1.) Autecology - the study of the interactions of an individual organism or a single species with the living and nonliving factors of its environment. Autecology is primarily experimental and deals with easily measured variables such as light, humidity, and available nutrients in an effort to understand the needs, life history, and behaviour of the organism or species. 2.) Synecology - the ecological study of different natural communities or ecosystems.

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Physics is a well-established and respected science that deals with the study of matter, energy, and the interactions between them. It is not considered pseudoscience.

Science of sound is known as?

The science of sound is known as acoustics. It is the study of the production, transmission, and effects of sound.

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In the science, you study the rules of nature. You have pure science and the applied science. In pure science, you study the laws of nature as they are. In applied science, you study the advantages of the science to you and humanity. In my lecture in dental college, I said, " When you study the science, you study the laws of nature. Nature being creation of God, you do are doing a prayer to the God. So when you study a science, you are doing a prayer to God. So you do not need to go to the church or temple to offer the prayers to the God.

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